Have You Made Some of These Critical Mistakes:
- Have you been overly emotional or demanding?
- Have you called him?
- Perhaps you’ve even begged him to come back to you or driven by his home repeatedly all the while asking yourself the haunting question, “What did I do wrong?”
Then you spend all your time replaying in your mind over and over what happened during your last conversation or encounter with him, looking for clues as to what might have led to your breakup. You ask yourself, “If only I could understand why he left me, I could fix it.”
Then, When You Can’t Find Anything You Did Wrong, Your Imagination Begins to Take Control of Your Mind as You Wonder...
- Maybe he’s got a drug problem
- Maybe he met someone else
- Maybe he’s got intimacy issues
- Maybe he never loved me at all
If This is What You’re Going Through...
...or you just want to prevent it from happening to you...
-- this may be the most important article you’ll ever read because the good news is that you can save your relationship and bring him back into your life.
In the Next Few Minutes You Will Learn:
- The reasons a man can suddenly lose interest in a relationship with you even if he was previously very much into you
- How your natural tendencies as a women often contribute to the breakup
- What you can do to avoid sabotaging reconciliation efforts
And That’s Not All...
I’ll also show you the No.1 mistake women make when trying to get their man back; and my step-by-step game plan -- including techniques that have been used for centuries to rekindle relationships.
This irresistible game plan is virtually guaranteed to soften your man’s heart and create a deeper bond between the two of you that paves the way to re-establishing your relationship.
I’ll even reveal to you my word-for-word script -- 9 incredibly powerful words you can say to your man that will make him realize he simply couldn’t bear to lose you!
But I offer a warning that I’ve seen too many women ignore:
Don’t wait until your man has moved on in his life without you and shut you out of his heart forever. You must strike while the iron’s hot. When you follow my game plan exactly as prescribed, it is highly likely that he’ll come running back to you.
Here’s How I Can Help You Even If It Seems Hopeless Right Now
My name is Bob Grant. I’m a Professional Life Coach, with offices in Marietta, Georgia. I’m also the author of the bestselling book, The Woman Men Adore and Never Want To Leave.
For the past 20 years, the majority of my clients have been women -- and one of the top relationship problems they’ve come to see me for is this: The man in their life has lost interest in them and they want to know how to get him back.
Luckily, I have an effective remedy based not only on real-life feedback from thousands of my real-life female clients, but also from time-tested strategies and techniques I’ve developed over the years which, when properly implemented, are most difficult for a man to resist!
But before I reveal the “remedy” -- or the absolute best game plan to bring back your man -- I’m going to ask you to take part in the fun and eye-opening 7-second pop-quiz.
Take the Relationship Test Now
If a man with whom you’ve recently had a good relationship suddenly loses interest in you -- and you sense that he’s beginning to pull away from you -- which of these frequently used strategies do you think is the best thing you can do to get him back? Should you...
- Write him a letter (expressing your heartfelt emotions, reminding him of all the good times you’ve had together, what you think went wrong in your relationship, ways to make your relationship better, etc.)
- Call him on the phone, tell him how you feel -- and get him to open up and talk about his feelings
- Give him gifts and shower him with sweetness and love -- so he’ll realize what he’s missing by not having you in his life
- Call him and say, “No one will ever love you as much as I do.”
I must confess to you that if you checked any one of them, then I’m afraid that your answer... is wrong.
Why Don’t Any of These Strategies Work?
That’s right -- none of the above strategies work, at least not permanently.
In the 20 years I’ve spent working with clients, I’ve found that most women do not have a clue as to how to effectively win back a man who has lost interest in them. They almost always go about it the wrong way!
By far, the most common mistake a woman makes when trying to get a man back is this:
Employing Strategies that Work on Women BUT Not on Men.
That’s right -- none of the above strategies work, at least not permanently.
In the 20 years I’ve spent working with clients, I’ve found that most women do not have a clue as to how to effectively win back a man who has lost interest in them. They almost always go about it the wrong way!
Writing him a letter is also a waste of time because words do not have the same effect on a man that they have on a woman -- no matter how wonderful your words are and how beautiful the sentiments behind those words.
Words are for women. While it might make you feel good that you’ve written the most inspiring letter in the world, your letter won’t have much of an impact on a man. Period.
Let’s Look at a Specific Example…
Heather started dating a guy named Greg, who she didn’t know was dating 2 other women besides her. One day, Greg told her up front about the other women -- and Heather was shocked and dismayed because she had been dating him exclusively and had thought the exclusivity was mutual.
Not knowing what else to do, she tearfully asked him what was wrong…
Most women think that words are going to tug at a man’s heart strings, and make him fall to his knees begging for the woman to take him back. Ladies, let me be blunt: They don’t.
She thought sharing her feelings would appeal to his heart. What it actually did was make him feel overwhelmed. In fact, 2 days later he told her he wasn’t ready to date her exclusively. By the end of the week he had called again to tell her that he didn’t want to see her anymore. This is what happens when you don’t understand HOW to use your emotions to your advantage.
But There is a Better, More Effective Way…
I showed Heather the game plan and she immediately set it in motion. For 4 weeks, nothing happened. Greg didn’t even call her -- and that made her think he probably just wanted to play the field, and didn’t want to be tied down to one woman.
On the 5th week, he called and said,
“I’ve been thinking about you.”
He said he wanted to know how she was doing, and just wanted to talk -- without particularly wanting to get back with her. Little did Greg know that the game plan had prepared Heather for this very call --she knew EXACTLY what to say to Greg and how to say it.
Within a month of working the magic of “the plan,” they went on a date. Soon thereafter, Greg stopped seeing the other 2 women -- and decided to have a relationship with Heather exclusively. Heather had captured his heart -- and he didn’t know what hit him!
You see, what I shared with Heather wasn’t just a simple “How To” plan. Those don’t always work because they fail address the root cause of why your man left you or lost interest in the first place. So even if you do manage to get your man back using one of the common ploys, it will be temporary at best because the cause of your breakup would remain unresolved.
Get Him Back and Keep Him Devoted
What I shared with Heather was not only how to get him back, but how to Keep Him Devoted Forever.
You can only have this kind of magical effect on your man if you are willing to give up trying to get him to explain all of his feelings to you.
Once you get back together with him, then you can have those discussions but until then you must understand that men are not usually willing to open up about their feelings long enough for you to figure out what it was that caused them to leave. And oftentimes they may not even be aware of the underlying reason why they habitually try to escape from relationships that are going well.
When women make “educated guesses” as to what caused their man to break up with them, more often than not, they guess wrong -- and so they waste all their time trying to fix the wrong thing -- and never get anywhere.
So What’s a Woman to Do?
I’ll get to that in a moment. But first, here’s what you should not do.
Beware of Untrained Relationship Coaches and Relationship Resources that Dispense Advice of Dubious Value
There are several books -- not to mention dozens of articles in women’s magazines -- about how to get your man back or how to rekindle an old romance. There are even more self-proclaimed “relationship coaches” who claim they can help you with your relationship problems. Whatever you do, don’t fall for the following:
1. Relationship Books that are not Gender-Specific
Books that give generic advice for both men and women seeking to rekindle relationships with their ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend are seldom effective because, as I’ve pointed out above, what works on women does not work on men -- and vice versa. Most available resources tend to be tilted in favor of helping men get their woman back.
2. Magazine Articles or Relationship Advice Based on Trickery and Artifice
Far too many books, magazine articles and relationship advisors show you how to “trick” a man into submission by using all sorts of deception -- and of course, the old stand-by, sex. In my opinion, these do more harm than good. Trickery could work in the short-term, and it may help you get your man back temporarily, but it won’t enable you to sustain the relationship. You’re likely to lose your man again down the line because the device used to get him back was based on shallow motivations instead of a deep understanding of men.
3. Advice Given by Untrained or Inexperienced Relationship Coaches
There’s been a recent proliferation of “relationship coaches” who, after having completed a mere 12 to 48 hours of life coach training, masquerade as relationship experts. Some have no training and simply call themselves “experts”. When you take advice from such untrained people who resort to guesswork instead of extensive real-life experience, you run the risk of making critical mistakes that could jeopardize your chances of ever getting your man back.
So now that you know what NOT to do:
What Should You Do to Get Him Back and Keep Him?
My clinical counseling practice has enabled me to develop powerful strategies for helping couples rekindle relationships -- including a step-by-step game plan to help women get their man back.
I truly want to share this game plan with more than just the clients who are able to travel to my office in Georgia to sit down with me face-to-face. I also want to help those who can’t afford my coaching ($495/hour).
So I devised a way that will enable you to gain immediate access to my game plan, and let you benefit from my experience without you having to shell out hundreds of dollars in hourly fees -- and without leaving the comfort of your own home or office.
For the first time, I’ve spilled my secrets in my proven program titled:
How Do I Get Him Back
The Step-By-Step Plan That Really Works
Unlike other relationship resources that teach you the obvious ploys for rekindling a man’s interest temporarily (through the promise of sex or other enticements), my program shows you how to understand your man deeply so that you can sustain your relationship after he does come back to you.
In fact, when you get How Do I Get Him Back I’ll share with you...
- How to tap into a man’s pain, which holds the secret to reaching his heart.
- The 9 words you can say to your man that will make him realize he simply can’t bear to lose you -- this last-ditch tactic is based on one of the most powerful psychological motivators in the world!
- When do your acts of kindness, empathy, generosity, graciousness and taking pain away come across to a man as being controlling -- instead of being perceived as praiseworthy intentions?
- How to get what you really want in a man -- a simple exercise that takes all the guesswork out of determining if the man you want back is good for you -- or worth all the trouble to get him back.
- How to use your feminine attributes to make yourself a “safe” person in whom he can confide his fears and inner pain so that you can finally discover the real reason he escapes from relationships -- and ultimately, make him want to get back with you
You’ll Also Learn:
- Why a man’s imagination is the best thing you have going for you -- and how to use it to make him crave to be with you again. (see pages 68-69)
- How to identify signals in a man’s voice that tell you his guard is down, he’s willing to let you get closer to him, and it’s the best time to talk about the previous issues in your relationship (see page 72)
- How to initiate contact with a man in a demure and classy way -- without appearing too forward or desperate, or running the risk of being regarded a stalker. (see page 73-76)
- How to affect a man on an emotional level to maximize the chances of rekindling your relationship with him (see page 66)
- What you must do in order to get the attention of your ex -- and how to determine what will cause him to want to be with you again. (see page 52)
- How to show a man you care about him without coming across as being too needy, or emotionally “high-maintenance”
- How to tell when a man has reached the threshold of giving, and is overwhelmed by your needs that he feels the need to escape. (see page 39)
You’ll Also Learn When It’s Best to Move On...
- How to know if your man has unresolved issues which persist even when you’re doing everything right in a relationship -- and how to know if those issues can be resolved, of if you need to give him up as a lost cause (see pages 44-49)
- How to know when you’re giving too much (see page 16)
- How to know how much you should be giving to your man -- too little and he won’t know how much you care about him; too much and he is going to feel like you are competing with him (see page 14)
...and much more!
Everything You Need to Get Him Back and Keep Him is Included
I’ve always found it quite amazing to observe how dramatically a woman’s life changes when she has the enduring devotion of the man she wants.
In this regard, I’d like to ask you this:
How would the quality of your life change when you get your man back?
How overjoyed would you be when you realize you have the power to keep your man devoted to you forever?
What price can you put on not wasting any more time trying ineffective ways to get your man back -- but instead having a step-by-step game plan to effortlessly magnetize him back into your life -- even if there are other women vying for his attention?
What is the value of never feeling helpless, hurt or broken-hearted if your man suddenly loses interest -- but instead having the know-how to reignite the spark in his heart, create a deeper bond with him and re-establish a stronger and enduring relationship?
What is the value of never feeling helpless, hurt or broken-hearted if your man suddenly loses interest -- but instead having the know-how to reignite the spark in his heart, create a deeper bond with him and re-establish a stronger and enduring relationship?
How delighted would you feel when you realize that you never have to let a man slip through your fingers again -- or watch him walk out of your life without being able to do anything about it?
Clearly, most women regard the ability to win back a man’s heart as a priceless skill -- one that’s worth a small fortune in life-changing benefits not only for themselves but also the female friends and relatives they could potentially help once they’ve learned the game plan.
So What is It Truly Worth?
$3,000? $2,000? $1,000?Would you believe it if I told you that How Do I Get Him Back won’t even cost you $100? No, not even $50.
Your investment in getting your man back and keeping him devoted to you for good
Is Only... $47
Worth Every Penny and Much, Much More
That’s less than the price of a nice pair of shoes!
You would have to book several counseling sessions with me and pay hundreds of dollars in hourly fees to get all the eye-opening content you’ll find in How Do I Get Him Back.
What’s more, when you consider that my step-by-step game plan for getting your man back is not available elsewhere -- isn’t it clear that you need to own these priceless insights right now?
This Plan Has Already Helped 1,000’s
Here’s what one woman wrote to me...
This Book is Worth Its Weight in Gold!
“Wow, Bob your book, How Do I Get Him Back, really opened my eyes to the truth about men. I used to think that all men generally have a love-’em-and-leave-’em attitude when it comes to dating women -- and that there was nothing I could do to make a man faithful to me. This book revealed an important concept about how to make a man regard me as someone of great value -- someone who’s worth devoting his singular attention to.
I’m forever grateful for this priceless information which I know will serve me for life. I appreciate this book even more because ever since I read it, I’ve been sharing what I learned from it with girlfriends and female members of my family who wanted to get their boyfriends back. I feel like a female Dr. Phil dispensing expert advice to women. This book is worth its weight in gold!”
Kristin Bennett, Los Angeles, California
Act Today and You’ll Also Receive Direct Support to Answer All Your Questions
Although the game plan I reveal in How Do I Get Him Back is simple enough for anyone to implement on their own, I also know that sometimes women want to discuss their specific situation or concerns with a relationship expert one-on-one.
Therefore, when you take How Do I Get Him Back for a risk-free trial I’ll even include a bonus option of a free 30-day trial to The Women Men Adore Club where I will work with you and a select group of other smart and successful women and provide you answers to your most urgent questions.
I created this unique club because I have found that most women have some common questions when implementing the plan and want answers to their questions immediately.
Your Free Membership Includes a 15-Minute 1-on-1 Session!
In addition, every Club member gets a free 15-minute private phone consultation with me (Bob Grant, P.L.C., “The Relationship Doctor” and nationally recognized expert on relationships).
Slots Are Very Limited so Act Now
Please understand that I can only guarantee you’ll get the free bonus for a few more weeks. I wish I could clone myself so that I could provide a 15-minute personal coaching session (good for 90 days after purchase) to every woman who needs it -- but I’m afraid I have a very busy consulting practice and I can only accommodate a few women.
Therefore, I have to limit this offer strictly to those who choose to be a part of The Women Men Adore Club.
This club membership is optional, but I wanted you to know that I’m here to support and help you unleash the sensual side of you that will awaken the passion in the man you love so that he’ll begin to realize what a terrible mistake it would be to leave you in the coming weeks, which might be difficult.
Your Investment is 100% Secure
In addition here is my My Zero-Risk, Iron-Clad, 100% “This is Going to Work -- or You Get Your Money Back” Guarantee.
I am so confident that you’ll be absolutely thrilled with the step-by-step game plan I reveal in How Do I Get Him Back that you’ll only have one regret -- and that is this: Not having had this valuable resource years ago
You’ll realize that you could have used this plan in all your relationships with guys over the years -- all the way back to your high school days when you started having relationship challenges with boys! How many guys did you let slip through your fingers -- and how many days have you spent crying because a guy left you and you didn’t know how to get him back?
When you Get Your Hands On How Do I Get Him Back, you’ll feel secure knowing that you finally have the secret to having a successful relationship with a man. But don’t take my word for it. Try the step-by-step game plan and put it to the test. All I ask is that you implement the plan -- and stick to it even if you don’t see anything happening at first. When you start seeing results, continue implementing it so that you can keep your man for good.
Why Do I Offer Such a Generous Guarantee?
Because I know that there are some men this won’t work on. Those that are chronic cheaters or who view women as nothing more than a playful distraction. For that type of man you may decide that you don’t want him back after all. But I want you to have the choice of whether to keep him or not.
100% Money-Back Guarantee
If you follow the plan exactly and it doesn’t do for you what I promised, simply send me an e-mail within 8 weeks of your purchase, and I’ll refund your entire purchase price. NO QUESTIONS ASKED! The only requirement is that you give it a fair try. Don’t just skim over How Do I Get Him Back without implementing these strategies. You owe it to yourself to see how amazing this plan is, when followed to the letter.
If You Truly Want Him Back, This is The Time to Act Before It’s Too Late…
Since you’ve made it this far I know you’re obviously interested in getting your man back -- or maybe helping a girlfriend bring her man back.
I also know that in your life, you and your girlfriends have probably known a lot of men who suddenly leave a relationship that seems to be going quite well. And you’ve probably devised all kinds of ploys to get back your men -- and have had little or no success.
If you’re one of the lucky women who’s never had the experience of suddenly being dumped by a man with whom you were having what you thought was a good relationship -- I can tell you this ...
...sometime in your dating life, you will experience it.
Chances Are, You’ll Experience it More Than Once. And So Will Your Girlfriends.
That’s because it’s a relationship pattern that spontaneously shows up simply because men are true to their male nature -- and this often comes into conflict with women who are just being true to their female nature.
Oftentimes, neither the man or the woman is singularly at fault! It’s just the eternal battle of the sexes at work!
It’s the wise woman who learns how to harmonize (not compromise) with the nature of men -- and eventually triumphs and gets what she wants out of her relationship with a man.
Right Now, You Have a Choice to Make
- You could download a copy of How Do I Get Him Back and implement the step-by-step game plan that will not only bring your man back but also keep him devoted to you for good.
- --OR--
- You could remain the same woman with the same relationship challenges you have today, never knowing how much better your life could be if you just learn how to get back your man.
You have everything to gain when you take me up on my 100% risk-free offer today. And you’ll have so much to lose if you don’t take advantage of this now -- you could lose your man, forever!
If you’re willing to take the chance of losing your man forever by trying ineffective strategies, then I hope he comes back to you. But if you want my help and my proven plan for bringing him back…